110 Cookson Lane | Whitefield, ME  04353 | 207-232-7600 |  tim@lackeysailing.com

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Snow Lily | Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Getting ready to start the varnish work on some of the last pieces of interior trim, including in and around the head area, I started the day by masking off the new trim and other areas as required.

The head doorway required additional trim at the top and bottom to close off the openings there, provide additional door stop trim, and, most importantly, to ensure that the door itself would clear the overhead camber and the curved area of the cabin sole across the passageway. 

Each section required two pieces to tie in with the adjacent vertical jambs and continue the rabbeted area.  After cutting the pieces to fit the space, and, for the bottom section, scribing it to fit the cabin sole, I glued together each pair to create two single-piece sections, setting them aside for a time before finally securing them in place with glue.


The forward edge of the main cabin overhead required a small bit of vertical trim to hide the edge of the overhead itself, plus part of the support cleats, where it all met the molded liner in the passageway.  Starting with some scrap plywood, I created a scribed template of the space, which I transferred to some 3/8" thick cherry for final fitting before securing the little trim in place to the overhead cleat with glue (leaving it free of the overhead itself).

With the forward section hidden, next I prepared a section of cherry trim to hide the seam where the overhead met the forward bulkhead, a relatively straightforward piece of trim that I cut back on one side to allow the starboard end to extend slightly over the new trim leading to the passageway.  After final fitting, milling, and sanding, I temporarily secured the trim with screws before removing it for finishing.


With new bolts on hand, and a bit of time before I needed to start the day's varnish work, I installed the starboard main chainplate, leaving only the stem and backstay to complete.

After final preparations, I applied a sealer coat of varnish to all the newest trim within the cabin, including the head and head bulkhead, quarterberth, and nav area.






With sufficient base coatage, I applied a coat of satin varnish to the inside portions of the companionway trim.

Finally, I applied more gloss varnish to the exterior companionway trim.


Total Time on This Job Today:  8.25 hours

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